Digital Projected Image Division (Color/Mono/Nature), entry fee for each division:
Overseas US$ 25
China/Hong Kong/Macau HK$ 200
EE.TPPC (Overseas) US$ 5
EE.TPPC (China/Macau) HK$ 40
- Entry fees MUST be paid by PayPal, NO Bank Notes, personal cheque or Bank Draft will be accepted.
- Entries will not be accepted with I.R.C.
- All paid entry fee will not be returned.
- Entry Fee of all division can be paid via PayPal adopts on our website :
http://www.tppc-hk.org/salon - Entries submitted without full payment will not be judged.
- No entry fee is required for all TPPC members and EE.TPPC. For EE.TPPC outside Hong Kong, US$5 / HK$40 will be charged for mailing of catalogue.
- All entrants will receive a flash card (USB) catalogue. Print catalogue is available upon special request during on line enrollment with additional payment of US$10 (for overseas entrants) and HK$75 (for China/Hong Kong/Macau). Entrants can only buy ONE Printed Catalogue.
- Submission of Entries Signifies acceptance of above conditions.
海外 US$ 25
中國/香港/澳門 HK$ 200
卓越展覽者(EE.TPPC) (海外) US$ 5
卓越展覽者(EE.TPPC) (中國/澳門) HK$ 40
- 參加費用必須以 PayPal 支付,不接納現金、個人支票或銀行本票;
- 參加費用不接納國際回信券(I.R.C.);
- 參加費用不得退回;
- 參加費用須經由本會沙龍網頁http://www.tppc-hk.org/salon之PayPal連結繳交;
- 凡未繳足參加費用者,本沙龍將不予評選;
- 大埔攝影學會之合格會員及卓越展覽者(EE.TPPC)可免收參加費;唯海外卓越展覽者須繳付 US$5 / HK$40 沙龍目錄之郵費;
- 所有參加者均會獲贈flashcard (USB)目錄,有關費用已包括在參加費內。如參加者需要印刷品目錄可於網上遞交作品時作出特別要 求,並支付額外費用,海外參加者費用為US$10,中國/香港/澳門參加者費用為HK$75。參加者只能購買一本印刷品目錄。
- 凡參加本沙龍者,即承認並同意本細則所訂之各項規約。